Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Let me Celebrate this I' Day...

Let me celebrate this Independence day with those dead people of Bihar, Asam, Bengal & Delhi, who died in this year flood. Let me celebrate because flood came like Har Saal kee Bhanti Is Saal Bhi (This year like every other past years). Let me celebrate because it comes year after year to mark our Independence day.... continuously with fail..... Just to remind...... "We are the People of India"

Let me celebrate this Independence day with those dead people of India who died of hunger in last 60yrs, and with those people off-course whom don't have food to eat.... & it's all happening without improvement just to remind............. "We are the People of India"

Let me celebrate this Independence day with those 99% people who never contribute anything to take our country ahead but never fail to make all big noises.

Let me celebrate this Independence day with those people who take bribes & always blame Pakistan for each & everything wrong happening within India.

Let me celebrate this Independence day with all those people who brakes the traffic signal, overtakes carelessly, enter in other lanes & makes our daily life miserable.

Last but not least let me celebrate this Independence day with those all Great People including me who sits on Internet & leaves no stone unturned about making our Country Great but fail to work on ground.

Let me celebrate because "We are the people of India"

Jai Hind

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